Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We’re Back!

The Early Childhood Directors Group will meet for training 

Wednesday, September 17th,  10:00 am – Noon  
Register & Spread the Word!

What: Meet the Authors Special Event: Healthy Children, Healthy Lives

Presented by: Sharon Bergen

When: Wednesday September 17th, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Where: Think Small - 10 Yorkton Court, Roseville  55117

Fee: $22.00*

                        *receive a certificate for 2 in-service hours

Sharon Bergen, author of Healthy Children, Healthy Lives- The Wellness Guide for Early Childhood Programs, will discuss how to evaluate and improve wellness in your program for the children, teaching staff, and family members who come through your doors. This guide includes checklists for six components of wellness: nutrition and healthy eating habits; physical activity and fitness; emotional health and resilience; healthy care practices; safety and risk management.

Register Online: or call and leave a message on the Training Registration Line: 651-641-3549
** Attend this training and you could win a copy of  **
Healthy Children, Healthy Lives

SAVE the DATE for the Early Childhood Directors Group 4th Annual

Tour of Quality Centers

Thursday, October 9th from 8:45 am – 12:30 pm

Come be inspired and see quality programs in action

The Tour is free.
To RSVP contact Nancy Johnson  -  651-233-2260

Please feel free to forward to colleagues at other programs

All are welcome to register and join the tour

We’re excited to feature the following exemplary programs on this year’s tour:

Ø Joyce Spanish/English Bilingual Preschool, Minneapolis

Ø New Horizons Academy, Woodbury , participating in
Farm to Child Care

Ø Miniapple Montessori, Oakdale, 4 Star-Rated Program

Stay tuned – More details to come
RSVP to  Nancy Johnson – 

For all you ECE policy wonks out there, a message from Sara Benzkofer, Director of Policy and Communications, MNAEYC and  MNSACA,

Policy Hour is back with an exciting slate of topics for 2014-2015

What is Policy Hour ? It’s a monthly opportunity for early childhood and school-age care professionals to connect with each other and learn about current policy issues in an informal setting.

Mark your calendars! Policy Hour is held the first Tuesday of each month, October 2014 - June 2015, from Noon-1:00 p.m. at Think Small (2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 250; Minneapolis, MN 55413.) 

Our first event of the season, on October 7, will feature Melvin Carter, Director of the Office of Early Learning. He will provide us with an update on the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant in each of the three key areas:

·        Accountability and decision-making

·        A great early childhood workforce

·        Access to high-quality, accountable programs

Join us on November 4 (Election Day!) to hear from the Department of Human Services about the new background study changes that were passed by the Legislature and Governor this spring.

The changes will include use of:

·        Fingerprints to complete all background studies;

·        Photographs to confirm the identity of background study subjects; and

·        Real-time updates of criminal case information from the Minnesota courts to DHS.

Bring your lunch, invite your friends, co-workers, and colleagues and no RSVP is required.