Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March Meeting Minutes

Below you will find the minutes from our last meeting.

Director’s Group
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: March 20, 2011
Made possible through the support of the Deluxe Corporation Foundation

I.                    First Children’s Finance – Starting and Building A Donor Program
a.       Mara O’Neill presented on this topic. Some of the ideas she provided are:
                                                               i.      Building relationships and keeping a database of possible donors (current and past families, vendors and businesses, board members and associates, other organizations)
                                                             ii.      Utilizing Give to the Max day, GiveMN.org, your company’s website, planned drives and events
                                                            iii.      Developing a plan for specific fundraising goals (worksheet provided)
II.                 Child Care Works – Legislative/Budget Updates
a.       Alicia Frosch (community organizer) provided information on Child Care Works(http://www.childcareworks.org/),  MN Budget Project (http://www.mncn.org/bp/), and Minnesota’s Future (not the Tom Emmer supporters but this one – sorry, long url) (flyers attached via .pdf)
b.      Discussed Governor Dayton’s budget proposal and sought information about it’s impact on child care providers. Examples of policy proposals that would impact centers:
                                                               i.      License fees may decrease (estimated average of $25)
                                                             ii.      Child care providers will need to pay for background studies (appx. $20 per study).
                                                            iii.      CCAP reducing number of absent days (from 25 to 10) and capping reimbursements for child care center staff.
                                                           iv.      $5 million cut to basic sliding fee CCAP (one time)
                                                             v.      Expand all-day K for low-income students (free/reduced meals0
                                                           vi.      2 million dollars to continue a QRIS (Parent Aware or other)
c.       Voices for Children day coming up on MARCH 17th to find info, attend or volunteer visit here: http://www.voicesforchildrenmn.org/ 
d.      If you have questions on how legislation could impact your center or would like to learn more about advocating for young children, you can contact Alicia Frosch at Alicia@childcareworks.org or 612-455-1055.
III.               April Meeting Planning – WOYC/Teacher Appreciation
a.       Our next meeting is April 14th, 2010 which falls in Week of the Young Child. If you have never participated in WOYC, we will be sharing ideas for what you can do so you can start planning for next year now.
b.      We will also discuss ways of showing appreciation for staff and organizing staff appreciation weeks in anticipation of Teacher Appreciation week which is the first full week in May (2nd-6th in 2011) or Teacher Appreciation Day (May 3rd).
c.       Ideas for resources to share include Guest Visitors and Field Trips (in house and out).
d.      We can also share some summer program planning resources at this time as many of these will overlap.
IV.              May Meeting Planning – Employment Law
a.       In May, Sue Fischer from ENGELMEIER & UMANAH, P.A. will join us to discuss employment law questions that arose during previous meetings. So far on the agenda are:
                                                               i.      Overtime/Training wages and pay requirements
                                                             ii.      Managing and Documenting performance
                                                            iii.      Hire/Discharge Issues
                                                           iv.      Hourly/Salaried differences and regulations
b.      If you have additional ideas or questions, please send them my way so I can help Sue prepare for her visit
V.                 Feedback and Future planning
a.       We are beginning to look ahead to next year at this time and are looking for feedback and ideas for future discussions. I will be preparing a survey that I hope to have attendees (and non-attendees!) fill out to make improvements to the director’s group. If you have ideas now, please feel free to send them my way!
VI.              Licensing Questions
a.       Here are the questions I asked this month, will send responses when I receive them:
·         The first was what is the time period in which staff need to have new background studies completed? There was some question of whether it was 45 or 60 days in regards to staff who have a work interruption (i.e. go on maternity or medical leave or are rehired or return after summer break)?

·         Also, what are the requirements for volunteers and particularly parent volunteers? If a parent goes on a field trip with a site and then another a few months later would a new study need to be done (assuming the parent has been on site dropping the child off at least weekly between this period)?

·         What are the requirements for classroom volunteers or visitors that are never left alone with children?

Next meeting: Thursday, April 14th from 10am to 12pm at RCC West (2021 East Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55413)

·       No presentation from Mara L
·       Week of the Young Child
·       Staff/Teacher Appreciation
·       Guest Visitors (share your good ones and ideas!)
·       Summer Program Planning

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