Monday, May 30, 2011

Milk in CACFP

Food Program Update

Whole Milk and 2% Milk no longer allowed to be served to children over 2 years old. See memorandum on Fluid Milk Guidelines. There have also been changes made to milk substitute guidelines.

From the FNS-CACFP:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued the attached memorandums implementing provisions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).
Memorandum on “Water Availability in CACFP.”
Memorandum on “Nutrition Requirements for Fluid Milk and Fluid Milk Substitutes in CACFP.” This memorandum requires that fluid milk served to children age two and over in the CACFP be skim milk or low-fat (1%) milk. Whole milk and 2% milk may no longer be served in the CACFP.
This memorandum also allows CACFP facilities the option of offering a non-dairy beverage, for example soy milk, in place of fluid milk for children who cannot consume fluid milk due to medical or other special dietary needs, at the written request of a parent or guardian. Non-dairy beverage products that are offered must be nutritionally equivalent to fluid milk and meet the standards established by USDA. Before implementing this provision, a CACFP organization must contact the Minnesota Department of Education-Food and Nutrition Service to confirm whether the non-dairy beverage product that it plans to offer meets the minimum nutritional requirements established by USDA.
If you have any questions about this information, contact the Minnesota Department of Education-Food and Nutrition Service at 651-582-8526, 1-800-366-8922 (MN Toll-free) or e-mail

May Meeting Summary


May was a different sort of meeting so this post is not going to follow the typical "minutes" format.

Meeting Summary

Sue Fischer from ENGELMEIER & UMANAH, P.A.came to speak with us for our May meeting. I have finally figured out a good way for me to share handouts and information from meetings with all of you (without breaking email or scanning each page in individually as a .jpg to post as a picture). I will post links to google docs .pdf versions of the documents that are distributed so everyone has access. Most of what Sue spoke about was clarification of some handouts she gave. Unfortunately, I have figured out this briliant plan too late to scan them in where I have access to a scanner. I do have one digital document that was discussed at the meeting that Sue was able to send me later on Records Retention Document. Here are a few of the ideas and information passed along at the meeting:
  • Overtime - any work over 40 hours, including training. There seemed to be some question about when overtime needed to be paid and Sue's response was anything above 40 hours.
  • Staff as "Volunteers" - Staff can really not volunteer at your center this includes helping out in a classroom before or after their working hours or working events after hours. If someone is doing anything that can be construed as work, they should be paid.
  • Unpaid interns - should be connected to a school or not replacing a staff person and receiving as much as they are giving (in terms of education/information/experience).
  • Documention of work performance - Employee reviews should never be a surprise, keep a manager's file for each staff person to document verbal corrections or incidents that may require documentation further down the road (can tie these notes into written warnings at a later date if a patterns is discovered).
I will get the other digital copies scanned in and shared through google docs as soon as I have access to a scanner.

June Meeting Planning
  • First Children's Finance presentation - Recruiting Non-Profit Board Members
  • Discussion topic: ???
    • Ideas:
      • Accounting and records software, retention systems
      • Please comment on this post with your ideas and requests!
July Meeting Planning
  • Site Tours! Please email if you would like to have your site included on our site tour list. I will have a final list with locations and times prepared after our June meeting.
New Contact Information

The address is now defunct. Please delete it from your address books. If you have questions or comments regarding the Directors group, you may direct them to

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Meeting Today

Don't forget to come to the meeting today! We will be hosting Sue Fischer to discuss employment law in child care settings. You will not want to miss this opportunity to have important legal questions answered.