February 9th EC Center Directors
Networking Meeting
Networking Meeting
Topic: Children With Challenging Behavior
Need strategies and resources for working with children with challenging behavior?
Colleen Dockendorf, Special Needs Consultant, will join us on February 9th to discuss how directors can support their staff and engage with parents of children with challenging behaviors.
10:00 AM – 11:30 – at Think Small (RCC's new name)
2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Mpls
2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Mpls
Speaker - Colleen Dockendorf, Special Needs Consultant
Immediately following, from 11:30 – 12:30, all directors interested in participating in the Parent Aware quality rating system are invited to stay for a Parent Aware Information Session. Directors of programs whose Parent Aware ratings will expire before December 31, 2012 are also encouraged to attend this Information Session.
All center directors and assistant directors are invited to attend the directors networking groups. We meet on the second Thursday of the month, usually from 10 AM – Noon, at Think Small offices at 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls. Come join us!
Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome
2. RCC has a new name! Think Small
Leaders in Early Learning
Leaders in Early Learning
3. Providing Child Care for Children With Challenging Behavior -
Colleen Dockendorf, Special Needs Consultant
Colleen Dockendorf, Special Needs Consultant
4. State legislative update - Cisa Keller, MCCA