Early Childhood Directors Networking Meeting
April 12th - 10:00 AM - NOON
Think Small, 2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Mpls
Making the Most of Parent Conferences - Strengthening the Relationship
Featured Speaker: Ann Ruhl-Carlson, Early Childhood Specialist, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Are you looking for effective ways to get parents to come to parent conferences? Do your teachers know how to conduct successful parent conferences to create strong and positive relationships with parents? We’ll discuss what directors and teachers need to consider for engaging with families from other cultures and with parents of children with special needs. We’ll also discuss tools and skills teachers can use to facilitate successful parent conferences.
Trends in Schoolage Child Care
Featured Speaker: Kim St. Marie, MNSACCA Project Coordinator
What’s new in schoolage child care in 2012? Will more public schools be expanding into before-and-after-school programming? How many SACC programs are accredited and is this a growing trend?
Come join us! The EC Directors Group is open to all directors and assistant directors in the metro area. We meet on the second Thursday of the month from 10 AM – Noon at Think Small, 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls.
Questions? Contact Nancy Johnson, 651-233-2260 or njohnson@thinksmall.org
Parent Aware Information Session for Directors
Parent Aware is going statewide. Come find out how the Parent Aware Quality Rating System works. Immediately following the EC Directors Meeting on April 12th from Noon – 1:00 PM, directors are invited to a free Parent Aware Information Session. Applications for the next 2012 Parent Aware cohort will be due in June. Directors of programs that received ratings in the Parent Aware pilot are encouraged to attend this Information Session to prepare for re-rating before December, 2012. Questions? Contact Nancy Johnson at 651-233-2260 or njohnson@thinksmall.org