Early Childhood Center Directors
Networking Meeting
July 12th - 10:00
AM - noon
Think Small, West Office - 2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Mpls
Presentation: Addressing
Social Media Concerns in you Child Care program:
Speaker: Kat
Kempke, Senior Policy Advocate for Think Small will guide directors through the world of social media
for child care.
Issues highlighted will be focused on specific needs addressed by
directors. If you have specific
questions/concerns to be addressed please email them to nschelitzche@thinsmall.org by July
What Resources are
available in your community?
Do you know about the wealth of free resources available to your child
care center? Think
Small is home to the Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Library. Join us for a brief
overview from our librarian Cathy Clair to find out more about this great
Introducing the Minnesota
Child Care Credential and CDA scholarships.
Learn more about opportunities for your staff to apply for The Minnesota
Child Care Credential and CDA scholarships.
Application process will begin for the September Cohort.
State legislative update
up Discussion: Risk Reduction Plan. Updates from Chris Breva Erikson from Child Care
Works and Cisa Keller from MCCA
Updates and Networking
Directors’ dialogue on what’s working in your program and your questions
for other directors. Come share with colleagues your examples, ideas and
challenges on orienting staff, building mutual respect, sharing
decision-making, ensuring staff know and comply with Rule 3 and program
standards, and nurturing a learning community for adults as well as children.
All center
directors and assistant directors are invited to attend the EC Directors Group.
We meet on the second Thursday of the month from 10 AM – Noon at Think Small
offices at 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls.
Come join us!
July 12th Meeting Agenda
Presentation: Addressing
Social Media Concerns in you Child Care program with Kat Kempke, Senior Policy
Advocate for Think Small
Information Share: What resources are available
in your community?
Cathy Clair: Debra S. Fish Library
Professional Development: MNCCC and CDA applications
State legislative update:
Follow up Discussion: Risk Reduction Plan. Updates from CCW and MCCA
Updates, and networking
following the EC Directors meeting, from Noon – 1:00 PM, a Parent
Aware Information Session will provide center directors with everything you
need to know to apply for the Parent
Aware quality rating group. This
will be an information session only. If
you are a currently rated program and want to learn about the changes in Parent
Aware since the pilot, please direct questions to the contact below. Parent
Aware ratings for programs in the Parent Aware pilot will expire by December 31,
2012. The July cohort is the last opportunity to ensure that your program
will not have a lapse in your rating. Please call Brandi baker at 651-233-2264
to RSVP. Questions? Contact Carol Stromme 651-641-6664 or