Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Join Us for the Early Childhood Directors Group

Thursday, March 12th  -  10:00 am – noon

Think Small - 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls  55413


Early Childhood Directors Group meetings are open to all


Discussion Topics

The 7 minute advocate     

Early childhood education is a BIG TOPIC at the legislature. How you and your staff can be “7 Minute Advocates.”

Knowledge and Personal Renewal for Leadership


Leaders are the source of energy that others draw from in their search for inspiration. Without personal renewal, that energy is limited – like water in a bucket. With personal renewal, the bucket becomes a fountain, replenished from a bottomless source.

  • How do directors cultivate knowledge for effective leadership?
  • Have you taken time to reassess and recommit to your core beliefs?
  • What do you do to replenish your energy to lead?

Doing the Right Thing for Children: Eight Qualities of Leadership by Maurice Sykes’s is our source for this discussion. You can check out the book from the Debra Fish Library at Think Small or purchase a copy from Redleaf Press:

Questions?  Contact Nancy Johnson at

Or visit our blog at:



Join us on Thursday, April 9th  

Training for Center Directors and Administrators


The Good, The Bad, The Lovely: How Staff Can Help Children Succeed in Play

A special training event with authors Sandra Heidemann & Deborah Hewitt



Thursday April 9, 10:00am-12:00pm (for Directors and Administrators)


Think Small West, 2021 Hennepin Ave. E, Minneapolis 55413


2 clock hours  -  Cost: $22.00


REGISTER TODAY! To register for training and view full training descriptions, visit
Or call the Think Small training line: 651-641-3549


Small Group Activity Kits


Small Group Activity Kits are a new addition to the Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Library! They are designed to facilitate Small Group instruction for a variety of developmental skills. The kits may also be useful to providers meeting Parent Aware requirements at the 3 and 4 star level, where teaching targeted skills based on Assessment results is necessary. Kit titles include:  Match – Number - Opposites – Sequence – Sorting – Vocabulary.


The Kits include a book, an activity sheet, and a learning game at two levels of difficulty. Kits can be checked out for three weeks at the St. Paul and Minneapolis sites.


The Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Library is now a branch of the St. Paul Public Library. To obtain a library card or request materials, please call Cathy Clair at 651-641-3544, or email The library is open 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday, and on evenings and Saturdays during scheduled classes.