Monday, April 27, 2015

Thursday, May 14th  -  10:00 am – noon

Think Small - 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls  55413


EC Directors Group meetings are open to all


Join us on May 14th for a run down of the legislative session – what passed, what didn’t, what lies ahead for child care and families’ access to quality programs, where do we go from here?


No RSVP necessary. For more info, contact Nancy Johnson:


Note: my phone has changed to: 651-523-7295


MinneMessage of the Week

Please help us spread this message as widely as possible!

"Lawmakers have the opportunity to make huge strides in closing the achievement gap this session. MinneMinds encourages both parties to continue to recognize not just the importance of prioritizing investments in early learning, but targeting the first dollars in to support the most at-risk children!"

Early Learning at the Legislature Ramps Up

There has been a great deal of media attention on the early learning debate all session long, and this week was particularly heavy with coverage. See below for the full run down, but there are two articles in particular that show broad support for early learning and early learning scholarships as a vital part of the solution to the opportunity and achievement gaps. 

·        In the Bemidji Pioneer Press, leaders from Greater Minnesota called for an investment in a mixed-delivery system for early learning that gives parents and communities the flexibility to meet the needs of their early learners.

·        The Star Tribune Editorial Board endorsed several of the education proposals being debated at the Legislature. On the topic of early learning, they supported an increased investment in early learning scholarships, saying "it’s best to target the neediest students first in this round of budgeting."

For more information about the MinneMinds Coalition and early learning policy in Minnesota, please visit
Drew Henry
MinneMinds Campaign Manager


University of Minnesota Hosting Forum on Early Childhood Education Policy - May 5 

On Tuesday May 5th from 4-6pm at the Cowles Center, the University of Minnesota will host a forum on Early Childhood Education Policy entitled: Shared Commitments to School Readiness: Setting Minnesota's Future Direction. 

Panelists will include:

  • Brenda Casselius - Commissioner, MN Department of Education
  • Timothy Bartik, Ph.D. - Senior Economist, Upjohn Institute
  • Rob Johnson - President, Cargill Foundation
  • Arthur Reynolds, Ph.D. - Co-Director, Human Capital Research Collaborative
  • Art Rolnick, Ph.D. - Co-Director, Human Capital Research Collaborative

To get more information or register, click here! The event is co-sponsored by: Center for Integrative Leadership (CIL), Center for Early Education (CEED), and Human Capital Research Collaborative (HCRC)

FREE RESOURCE - Small Group Activity Kits


Small Group Activity Kits are a new addition to the Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Library. All of the kits include a book, an activity sheet, and a learning game. Some of the topics covered in the kits include: Match, Numbers, Opposites, Sequence, Sorting, and Vocabulary. Any of the kits can be checked out for three weeks at the St. Paul and Minneapolis sites.


For additional information on obtaining a library card or requesting materials, please call Cathy Clair at 651-641-3544, or email her at The library is open 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday, and on evenings and Saturdays during classes. 
                          Mind in the Making  -  Free Resource
Mind in the Making and First Book have combined forces to compile lists of books and tips that support seven essential life skills. The lists are organized by topic and age group (0 to 2, 3 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years, and 9 to 12 years). For each life skill (e.g., focus and self-control), relevant children’s books are listed that can be used to support/develop that skill. Options for using each book are provided on a downloadable tip sheet; many tip sheets are available in both English and Spanish.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Special Training Event


The Good, The Bad, The Lovely:

Helping Children Succeed in Play

With Redleaf Press Authors  Sandra Heidemann & Deborah Hewitt


Thursday, April 9th -  10 – noon

Think Small - 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls  55413


This special Training Event will take the place of the usual Early Childhood Directors Group meeting on Thursday, February 12th

  • Daytime session for directors
  • Evening session for FCC and center staff





Sandra Heidemann and Deborah Hewitt, authors of When Play Isn’t Fun, When Play Isn’t Easy, and Play: The Pathway from Theory to Practice.  Explore why children may have difficulty playing with others and ways you can help them. Learn about adult roles and specific techniques to help children join play and solve conflicts.


Early Childhood Directors Group meetings are open to all. 

RSVP to Nancy Johnson –

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