Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcome ALL center directors
and assistant directors

You are invited to join us for the January 
Early Childhood Directors Group meeting

Program security –  What sensible measures can we take to keep children, staff and parents safe?
Thursday, January 10th  10:00 am – noon
Think Small, 2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Suite 250, Minneapolis, 55413
This is a FREE networking meeting for directors.
No in-service training fee for the January 10th meeting.

January 10, 2013 Meeting Agenda

1. Welcome and introductions

2. Meeting Topic    

Program Security: What sensible measures can child care programs take to keep children, staff and parents safe?

This is the question child care center directors are asking in the wake of the tragedy at Sandyhook Elementary School in Connecticut.

Another mass school shooting has re-ignited our national conversation about acts of school violence and how to protect the safety of students, staff and volunteers. Our national debate rages with calls for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips used in mass murders,  resources to treat mental illness and more aggressive screening for gun ownership, and advocates for armed guards and staff with guns in every school. Dealing with the culture of violence, the prevalence of guns and the unique profile of each perpetrator raises complex problems without simple or inexpensive answers.

Discussion Questions: 

·        What can child care centers do to strengthen security at your programs?

·        Does your program have secure drop-off-and-pick-up procedures?

·        Do you train staff on procedures for keeping children safe in the event of a security emergency?                                                         

3.   MinneMinds Campaign update

4.   Child care issues in the 2013 Legislative Session

5.   Early Childhood Forums –  brown bag lunch forums February 8th     February 15th and March 1st

6. Credential opportunity for directors

7. Other announcements and next meeting, February


The EC Directors Group meets on the second Thursday of the month from 10:00 am – noon at the Think Small offices at 2021 Hennepin Ave. E. in Minneapolis. Monthly networking meetings are FREE and all are welcome.
Every quarter we have a 2 hour in-service training for $22.00 and in-service certificates are provided. PLEASE pre-register for quarterly trainings by contacting Nancy Johnson at or    651-233-2260.


Parent Aware NEWS FLASH

Parent Aware improvement support dollars can be used toward the cost of the upcoming 2013 Eager To Learn Online Director’s Credential.  This Director’s Credential fulfills Parent Aware indicator TT3b for programs seeking 3 or 4 star ratings.

The Director’s Credential webpage can be found on Eager To Learn’s website or by following this link:

Applications are now being accepted by emailing Brian Wray ( 

Coursework begins in February and registrations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. 

Is Parent Aware Right for Your Program?
Have you heard about Parent Aware Ratings and wondered whether it’s the right decision for your program? Could your teachers use one-on-one coaching, reduced fee training, a small grant to enhance your program, from $2,000 - $4,000 in scholarship funds per eligible 3-4 year old child?
You are invited to come to a FREE Parent Aware information session to learn more. Contact Carol Stromme to register: A list of upcoming 2013 Parent Aware information sessions will also be available soon. Find them on Think Small’s website and click on “Providers.”  The next Parent Aware group cohort starts in January, 2013.
For information contact: Nancy Johnson 651-233-2260, or Carol Stromme 651-641-6664 -


Introducing the MinneMinds campaign

MinneMinds is a statewide campaign to increase public funding for access to high quality early care and education programs proven to prepare our children for success in school and in life.

MinneMinds has 1 policy goal:

To address Minnesota’s critical care need for increased access to high quality early care and education opportunities to ensure all children are prepared to succeed in school and in life


Who Is MinneMinds?

MinneMinds includes endorsing organizations and thought leaders from across the state with a common commitment to prioritizing Minnesota’s youngest in-need children as the most important investment for our state to make. Supporters vary greatly in specific interest, size, and geographic reach, representing the education and care community for children from 0-5 years through K-12, philanthropic organizations, business and local chapters of national non-profits. Consistent among all is a commitment to working with the public sector and local communities to align early learning efforts so that they affect as many low income young children as possible.

Please visit for the latest information on the campaign and for the most up-to-date resources, including:

·        The Statement of Support (the document that each organization must sign to join the campaign)

·        The MinneMinds policy agenda

·         A campaign overview document

·         Action link to send a message to your state legislators:


Did You Know?

The research results of the four year Parent Aware Pilot found that eligible 3 and 4 year olds who received scholarships to attend Parent Aware rated programs showed significant gains over the year in measures of expressive and receptive vocabulary, phonological awareness, print knowledge, pre-math concepts, social competence and approaches to learning. Gains were not seen on one measure of early math skills, and a slight increase was documented on a measure of anger-aggression. The magnitude of positive gains was larger for children from low-income families than it was for the full sample of children.


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