Thursday, February 7, 2013

Welcome ALL center directors and assistant directors

You are invited to join us for the 
February 14th  networking meeting 

Licensing – What’s Hot  

Also, updates on the 2013 Legislative Session, child care bills  

and the MinneMinds Campaign

This is a FREE networking meeting for directors
Coming up on March 14th

2 Hour Training: Coaching Your Staff  

Vicky Hawley, CEED Coordinator, Professional Development Programs in Early Language and Literacy Development

Preregistration is required for the March 14th Training

Contact: Nancy Johnson –

Training fee is $22 - Two hours of in-service

            The Early Childhood Directors Group meets on the second Thursday
from 10:00 am – noon at Think Small’s Minneapolis office
2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Suite 250, Mpls, 55413
Monthly networking meetings are FREE.
Quarterly trainings - $22 fee, 2 hours in-service  
To register and pre-pay for trainings contact Nancy Johnson or 651-233-2260

Early Education Forums
              Tackling the Achievement Gap
              Before It Starts                                  
Center directors  - You are invited to a series of free noontime Early Education Forums.  Minnesota’s youngest children will receive high-profile attention this legislative session; Governor Dayton’s budget includes $92 million in new funding for quality early care and education. To inform the upcoming legislative debate, the forums will highlight research and best practices to reduce Minnesota's early education opportunity gap. 
These free forums are from noon - 1:30 pm on 3 Fridays - February 8th and  15th at the Wilder Foundation, St. Paul, & March 1st at the Kelly Inn, St. Paul.
The Feb. 8th and Feb 15th forums are at the Wilder Foundation, 451 Lexington Parkway.  The March 1st Forum is at the Kelly Inn, 161 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul.
Feb. 8th  forum: Current research on quality, do the benefits of quality for disadvantaged children "fade-out" in elementary school, and quality through the lens of culture.   Speakers: Rob Grunewald, associate economist, Federal Reserve Bank, Kathryn Tout, co-director of early childhood research for Child Trends, and Betty Emarita, founder and president of Development and Training Resources. The forum runs from noon until 1:30 pm at the Wilder Foundation, 451 Lexington Parkway, St. Paul.
Feb. 15th forum:  What is Minnesota’s plan for increasing access to quality early childhood education, and how is it working in communities of color?   Speakers: Karen Cadigan, director of the Minnesota Office of Early Learning, Bao Vang, community outreach and Parent Aware quality coach for Think Small and Barb Fabre, director of child care and early education programs on the White Earth Indian Reservation. Carolyn Smallwood, executive director of Way to Grow, will moderate.  The Feb. 15th forum is from noon - 1:30 pm at the Wilder Foundation, 451 Lexington Parkway, St. Paul. 
March 1st forum:  What needs to happen to bring Quality Early Care and Education to Scale?   Speakers: Ericca Maas, executive director, Parent Aware for School Readiness, Frank Forsberg, senior vice president, Greater Twin Cities United Way, Barbara Milon, executive director, Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, and Nancy Hylden, MinneMinds Campaign. The March 1st forum is from noon - 1:30 pm is at the Kelly Inn, 161 St. Anthony Ave. St. Paul. 
Questions? Call Scott Russell - 612-203-6164, Nancy Johnson - 612-237-1448

Did you know?
The Minnesota Child Care Resource and Referral Network is now Child Care Aware MN.  Check out the information and services on their new website:
For example, would you like to know more about Minnesota's TEACH Scholarships for early childhood professionals? Free TEACH Webinar on February 19th. Register at: 
Parent Aware NEWS FLASH

Parent Aware improvement support dollars can be used toward the cost of the 2013 Eager To Learn Online Director’s Credential.  This Director’s Credential fulfills Parent Aware indicator TT3b for programs seeking 3 or 4 star ratings.

The Director’s Credential webpage can be found on Eager To Learn’s website or by following this link:

Applications are now being accepted by emailing Brian Wray:   ( 
Coursework begins in February and registrations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. 

Director's Online Credential
The Eager-to-Learn Online Director’s Credential offers intentional competency-building for participants in the areas of administration, supervision/management and leadership. As the scope of work a director faces continues to evolve, so too should their learning opportunities. In response to feedback straight from the field, new courses have been included in the 2013 Credential to support the development of skills in areas such as building cultural competency, professional ethics and coaching staff for continuous growth.

Applications are now being accepted for entry into Eager-to-Learn’s Director Credential learning community with coursework beginning in February, 2013 and concluding in December, 2013. Flexible payment plan options are available.

An added benefit for Minnesota Directors: An approved Director’s Credential earns an extra point for your Parent Aware Quality Rating.

Is Parent Aware Right for Your Program?
Have you heard about Parent Aware Ratings and wondered whether it’s the right decision for your program? Could your teachers use one-on-one coaching, reduced fee training, a small grant to enhance your program and $2,000 - $4,000 in scholarship funds for eligible 3-4 year olds?                                      You are invited to come to a FREE Parent Aware information session to learn more. Contact Carol Stromme to register:                A list of upcoming 2013 Parent Aware information sessions will also be available soon. Find them on Think Small’s website and click on “Providers.”  The next Parent Aware group cohort starts in July, 2013. For information: Nancy Johnson 651-233-2260, or Carol Stromme 651-641-6664 -

It's Time for Minnesota to Increase Investment       
in Quality Early Care and Education
MinneMinds is a statewide campaign to increase public funding for access to high quality early care and education programs proven to prepare our children for success in school and in life.
MinneMinds has 1 policy goal:
To address Minnesota’s critical care need for increased access to high quality early care and education opportunities to ensure all children are prepared to succeed in school and in life
Who Is MinneMinds?
MinneMinds includes endorsing organizations and thought leaders from across the state with a common commitment to prioritizing Minnesota’s youngest in-need children as the most important investment for our state to make.
Please visit for the latest information on the campaign and for the most up-to-date resources.
Action link to send a message to your state legislators:

CEU One Stop Courses  -  Eager-to-Learn is offering courses for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). CEU One Stop courses are self-paced and instructor-led. CEU's can be applied to CDA renewal requirements and meet many other training requirements. All CEU courses begin the first day of each new quarter with open registration. You may enroll up to 2 weeks prior to the end date of the quarter. The current CEU courses will run from January 1 through March 31, 2013.                                                                                          Current CEU One Stop Courses Offered  -      The following courses are being offered as CEU One Stop courses. Each course is $95 and worth 1.2 CEUs.
Children with Sensory Processing Disorder: Challenges and Strategies
Instructor: Kim Woehl
More Alike than Different  -  Instructor: Kim Woehl
Supporting Breastfeeding in Child Care Programs  -                                          Instructor: Holly Prestegaard
The Nurtured Heart Approach- Transforming the Challenging Child  -  Instructor: Kim Woehl
Understanding Autism and the Early Childhood Role  -                                   Instructor: Cindy Croft
Understanding Floor Time  -  Instructor: Nancy Kaczrowski
Spanish for Young Children  -  Instructor: Amy Timm
                       Register Here
If you have any questions about these CEU One Stop courses, or any other courses that Eager-to-Learn offers, please feel free to contact
~To view full course descriptions and register, visit


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