Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What is Farm to Child Care?

            How Can your Program Benefit?

                               Where Can You Start?

Early Childhood Directors Group

DATE: Thursday – June 12th 

TIME: 10:00 – Noon  

PLACE: Think Small on 2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Suite 250, Mpls.

TOPIC:  Farm to Child Care  with Erin McKee, Farm to Institution Senior Program Associate at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and Cara Johnson-Bader, New Horizon Academy

Come to the June 12th EC Directors group and find out how your center can incorporate hands on curriculum activities, taste tests, and practical menus while connecting with local farmers and farmers markets.         

Sixty-two child care centers throughout the metro area and greater Minnesota are part of an innovative partnership between the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and New Horizon Academy, combining healthy food from nearby farms with experiential learning opportunities for children, garden-based education and interactions with farmers connecting young children with how their food is grown.

“Introducing young children to fresh, local foods and starting them on the path toward healthy eating habits in child care just makes sense,” said IATP’s Erin McKee VanSlooten. “Kids love it, parents are happy, and our local farm economy retains more local dollars.”

Later this summer, IATP will make available a Farm to Childcare curriculum package, complete with teaching materials created with NHA and lessons learned from the pilot later this summer.

2014 Legislative Wrap Up  with Sara Benzofer, Director of Policy and Communications for MnAEYC-MnSACA.
Do you know what policy changes made by the 2014 Legislature could impact your program in licensing, child care assistance and scholarship programs this past legislative session?  This is your chance to get the full scoop on what initiatives passed and what didn’t and ask any questions you may have.

Early Childhood Directors Group meetings are free and open to all directors and assistant directors in the metro area.

For more information contact: Nancy Johnson:

Take 30 seconds to speak up for our
youngest learners

Thank your legislators and Gov Dayton for passing additional funds so that nearly 1,000 more children across the state can access early learning scholarships.

Your constant support and heartfelt advocacy made this possible.

Use this action alert link for the easiest way to send your message:

Share this link with family, friends and co-workers.

Thank you for your ongoing advocacy. We know there is still work to do. But today, take a moment to thank our leaders for moving in the right direction.

If you have any questions about what happened this legislative session, please email Kat Kempe at

It’s Almost Here!

One of the Biggest Early Ed Professional Development Events of the Year is coming to Minneapolis June 8 – 11th

Excellence for Every Child: Standards Without Standardization is the theme for the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Professional Development Institute at the Minneapolis Convention Center, June 8 – 11th.

For conference agenda and registration information visit: 38553Birth to Five – Watch Me Thrive Launched

Change to the R.E.E.T.A.I.N. Bonus Program
R.E.E.T.A.I.N. (Retaining Early Educators Through Attaining Incentives Now) is designed to offer incentives to keep strong, well-trained professionals in the field and working with the same group of children over time.   We recently made some changes to the timing, eligibility and award amounts for REETAIN bunses.  Please visit the Child Care Aware of Minnesota website for additional details. 

New T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® MINNESOTA is a higher education scholarship program intended to help early childhood and school-age care professionals increase their levels of education, compensation and commitment to the field. In addition to the scholarship models currently available, including Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree scholarships, T.E.A.C.H. is introducing two new models.  Please encourage people interested in participating to contact a T.E.A.C.H. counselor at or call (651) 290-9704. More information about T.E.A.C.H. can be found at

3 to 8 Scholarship
This flexible scholarship is designed to fill a variety of needs. Child care professionals who are interested in beginning an associate or bachelor degree program but want to build their confidence by easing into a higher education setting. They can use this scholarship to take a few classes. It is also intended for providers or teachers who are finishing a degree or want to take a few credits to complete their required Parent Aware training. Scholarship recipients may complete up to 8 credits and are eligible for book reimbursements, a travel stipend and paid time off. Upon successful completion of a scholarship year, recipients receive either a 1.25% raise (center only) or a $100-$200 bonus. Scholarship recipients commit to remaining in their center or family child care for an additional six months. This scholarship can only be completed twice at the Associate level and once at the Bachelor level.

Center Director/Assistant Director Scholarship
Center directors, assistant directors, education specialists and other support staff who do not work directly with children or spend limited time with children are eligible for this scholarship. Center-based staff can work toward an associate, bachelor or graduate certificate in early childhood, child development, early childhood administration or early childhood special education. Scholarship recipients may complete 18-30 credits (depending on the degree) and are eligible for book reimbursements and a travel stipend. Upon successful completion of a scholarship year, recipients receive either a 2% raise or a $250-$500 bonus. Scholarship recipients commit to remaining in their center for an additional year.

Are Your Staff and Families Registered to Vote?

Are you unsure about what you are and aren’t allowed to do to help your teachers and families register and vote? 

Join us on June 25 from noon-1 p.m. to learn how you can help your staff  and families (and yourself if needed) register to vote, find out what will be on the ballot, where to find your polling place and more!

Jeff Narabrook, Voter Outreach Director at the MN Secretary of State, will provide you with all the information and tools you will need to engage in the electoral process and make a difference in your community.

This is a free event. In-service hours are available. Feel free to bring your lunch.

Ewald Consulting
1000 Westgate Dr.
St. Paul, MN 55114

RSVP is required. Email Sara Benzkofer at by June 23.

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