Friday, May 22, 2015

Join Us for the Last Policy Hour Before Summer Break

You are invited to the last Policy Hour of the season on:

TUESDAY, June 2nd  -  12:00-1:00 p.m.

Think Small’s Minneapolis office -  2021 E. Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Come to discuss what passed this session and updates on the special session.

Governor Dayton vetoed the E-12 Education bill passed by both the House and the Senate. Key early learning components in the E-12 Education bill included:

  • $30.75 million increase for Early Learning Scholarships
  • $30.75 million increase for School Readiness
  • $3.5 million in funding for the Parent Aware rating system

The items the Governor wants included in a K-12 Education Bill:

  • Universal Pre-K for 4 year olds in public schools
  • Funding to eliminate the Head Start wait list
  • Funding for the Northside Achievement Zone and St. Paul Promise Neighborhood

Key early learning components in the Health and Human Services bill include:

  • $10 million increase for Child Care Assistance to help reduce the wait list

Where do we go from here?

Because the Governor vetoed the E-12 Education bill, there will be a special session. As long as the Governor and legislative leaders can come to an agreement by midnight June 30, they will avoid a partial government shutdown.

Leaders in the Governor’s office and the Legislature are saying they will only call the special session when they have reached agreement on the final bill. It will likely be several days—if not weeks—before the special session is called. 

Thank you for advocating on behalf of children this session! 

June Early Childhood Directors Group

Thursday, June 18th  -  10:00 am – noon

Think Small - 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls  55413


Where Do We Go From Here?

Cisa Keller, Director of Early Childhood Quality Development at Think Small, will join us for a Q & A with directors about the status of early childhood policy and funding issues and where we go from here.


EC Directors Group meetings are open to all


No RSVP necessary. For more info, contact Nancy Johnson:

Note: my phone has changed to: 651-523-7295


From Sun Damage?

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States.  Just a few sunburns can place someone at risk for skin cancer later in life.  During National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Month check out the CDC's website on protecting children from the sun.  Every child care program should have written policies and practices to promote sun safety


Caring for Our Children Standard Sun Safety Including Sunscreen

National Mental Health Month

Emotional well-being is important to a child’s overall health.  One in five children, ages 3-17, have a diagnosable mental health disorder which can impact on learning, behavior or the ability to handle emotions.  Symptoms can frequently be observed in very young children.  Early recognition and intervention with age-appropriate services can facilitate a child’s success at home, at school and in the community.   The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundation for Early Learning (CSEFEL) and the Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention (TACSEI) have rich resources to share with early childhood educators, caregivers and families.  The Pyramid Model for supporting social emotional development and preventing challenging behavior provides an excellent framework for early childhood teachers and families.  The Backpack Connection Series was created to facilitate teachers and families working together on developing social skills and reducing  challenging behaviors.  Handouts are available in four categories including behavior, emotions, routines and schedules and social skills.


Caring for Our Children Standard Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants

Minnesota Center for Children's Mental Health has mental health fact sheets which can be downloaded for free. 

Children, Youth and Family Consortium, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Circle of Influence Model demonstrates the varying  relationships and environments that contribute to a child's well-being.  View the video on Promoting Children's Mental Health 

Contact Information

Diane Etling, MDH Child Care Health Consultant

Monday, May 11, 2015

Thursday, May 14th  -  10:00 am – noon

Think Small - 2021 Hennepin Ave. E., Mpls  55413 

EC Directors Group meetings are open to all  

Join us on May 14th to discuss:

*  What are the most successful trainings for staff?

    Come and share with other directors what training for

    your staff made the biggest impact for your center’s


*  Where does investment and policy for child care and
    early education stand as this legislative session
    approaches (hopefully) wrap up.

No RSVP necessary. For more info, contact Nancy Johnson:

Note: my phone has changed to: 651-523-7295

Early Learning in the News

See below for some great coverage of early childhood news.

Legislative Session Update

A small group from the House and Senate are meeting to work out the differences between their bills. The Education Conference Committee is meeting to determine the amount of funding that will be allocated for early learning scholarships. 
With just a week and a half left in session, we need to keep up our advocacy for prioritizing investments on targeted and flexible early learning scholarships for low income families to be able to choose proven quality programs.

Contact your legislator

Your voice has the greatest impact when you talk to your own legislator. This link makes it quick and easy to Send a message to your legislator asking them to tell the Education Conference Committee members to make a large investment in early learning scholarships as part of the education package. 

On Thursday May 28th from 4:30-6pm at the Woman's Club of Minneapolis, Sheltering Arms will host a reception honoring the hard work and outstanding outcomes from this year's legislative session that will help to close the opportunity gap for Minnesota's children. 

Please RSVP by Friday, May 22 by calling (612) 871-9210 or by emailing

FREE RESOURCE - Small Group Activity Kits

 Small Group Activity Kits are a new addition to the Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Library. All of the kits include a book, an activity sheet, and a learning game. Some of the topics covered in the kits include: Match, Numbers, Opposites, Sequence, Sorting, and Vocabulary. Any of the kits can be checked out for three weeks at the St. Paul and Minneapolis sites.


For additional information on obtaining a library card or requesting materials, please call Cathy Clair at 651-641-3544, or email her at The library is open 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday, and on evenings and Saturdays during classes. 

                          Mind in the Making  -  Free Resource
Mind in the Making and First Book have combined forces to compile lists of books and tips that support seven essential life skills. The lists are organized by topic and age group (0 to 2, 3 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years, and 9 to 12 years). For each life skill (e.g., focus and self-control), relevant children’s books are listed that can be used to support/develop that skill. Options for using each book are provided on a downloadable tip sheet; many tip sheets are available in both English and Spanish.